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Year 6 and Year 3 at the start of their Prayer Partner Gathering

On Wednesday 1st February Year 6 hosted the first Prayer Partner Gathering with their Year 3 Prayer Partners which they prepared completely independently.

Year 6 divided themselves into teams to prepare for the gathering which had the theme of Grateful and Generous.  The media team prepared a lovely PowerPoint with beautiful images and a very moving video clip.  The display team created a beautiful display and explained why they had chosen the objects they had.  A group of children were responsible for choosing appropriate readings, a different group for choosing the prayers and finally one group was responsible for choosing the song the children sang together, the listening and reflection music along with which instruments were going to be played.

Year 6 and Year 3 wrote prayers together which they placed on the prayer display, talked with each other about the values of being Grateful and Generous, sang and prayed together.

Year 6 led the gathering from start to finish, they even decided where everyone was going to sit!

It was a truly beautiful gathering, made even more special due to it being prepared entirely by the Year 6 children.