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Year 3’s Fairtrade Assembly

On Friday 29th April Year 3 presented their assembly all about Fairtrade. The children shared the story of how chocolate is made and that sometimes the farmers do not get a fair wage for the work they do and for their crops.  Year 3 told us how the organisation of...

Class e-Safety Workshops

On Wednesday 26th April following the parent e-Safety workshop Juliet Joy visited all of the classes from Nursery to Year 6 to talk to the children about staying safe online. Juliet used video clips to share with the children why it is so important that they stay safe...

e-Safety Parent Workshop

On Wednesday 26th April we held a very  informative e-Safety workshop for parents. Juliet Joy (RM Senior Consultant) and PC Paul Davies came into school to talk to parents about the importance of children staying safe online and what they can do to minimise any risk...

Year 6 lead Mass

On Tuesday 25th April Year 6 led our first Mass of the Summer Term. The children prepared the Mass beautifully and created a lovely altar display which reminded us of the values we are learning about this half term – Loving and Compassionate.

Loving and Compassionate

Loving and Compassionate are the two values we are focusing on this half term. In the school reception area, hall and on class prayer tables the values are displayed and children will be learning more deeply about them during this half term.