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KS1 lead Mass

On Tuesday 19th March the children from years 1 and 2 lead our whole school Mass with Father Louis. Today’s Mass was special as it was the Feast of St Joseph our patron saint!  The children did a great job of reading, acting and creating a lovely St Joseph...

Year 2’s Assembly

On Friday 15th March it was Year 2’s turn to share all of their learning about Fairtrade in their assembly. The children did a great job of explaining all about why buying Fairtrade products is so important especially during the season of Lent. Well done Year 2...

Walking the Stations of the Cross

During Fridays in Lent the children from all classes are taking it in turns to walk the Stations of the Cross which we have around our school. Children walk the stations in small groups, pausing and reflecting at each of the stations. The children complete their walk...