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Oscott College

On Monday 18th June the children from Year 6 visited Oscott College. During the day the children took part in a range of prayful activities and had time for reflection – the children thought about the Sacrament of Confirmation which they are to receive in July...

Mission Award Deadline!

On Monday 18th June the children from Years 1-6 took home their Mission Award Checklist. Children from Years 1-6 have a class checklist of activities to complete both inside and outside of school to show the schools Mission Team that they deserve a Mission Award...

Year 3’s Assembly

On Friday 15th June the children form Year 3 shared their learning about refugees in their whole class assembly.  Wednesday 20th June is World Refugee Day and Year 3 had spent lots of time thinking and learning about the lives of refugees. The children did a great job...