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Thank you everyone!

On Thursday 18th May we held a very special assembly where we honoured Mary. During the assembly the children from each class presented Mary with flowers that they had arranged into beautiful bouquets. All of the flowers had been donated by the families of St...

Crowning of Our Lady Assembly

On Thursday 18th May we held a very special assembly where we crowned Our Lady with flowers. During the assembly we prayed a decade of the Rosary, watched a video all about why Mary is so special to us, sang and prayed together and presented Mary with the most...

A thank you from Dementia Friends!

On Wednesday 17th May Miss Wisniewski and the Mini Vinnies received a lovely thank-you card from Julia at Dementia friends. Both Miss Wisniewski and the Mini Vinnies really appreciated the card and thank Julie for her thoughtfulness and kindness.

Mini Vinnies visit Mary Stevens Park

On Tuesday 16th May St Joseph’s Mini Vinnies alongwith Miss Wisniewski and Fr Emmanuel visited Mary Stevens Park  as part of a special Dementia Week organised by the Alzheimer’s Society.  The children have recently become Dementia Friends by taking part in...