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CAFOD Fast Day

On Friday 10th March St Joseph’s took part and supported CAFOD’s Fast Day. The children all gave up their play time snack to gain a small insight in what some children have to go through every day when they are hungry.  The pennies that the children and...

Spelling Winners!

On Friday 3rd March the spelling winners for the half term were presented with a £5 Tesco voucher! Every week the children from Year 1 to Year 6 complete a spelling test.  Each time a child gets full marks they receive a raffle ticket which goes into the class...

Sponsored Pancake Flip!

On Tuesday 28th February all of the children took part in a sponsored Pancake Flip and raised LOTS of money for charity! During the day all of the classes took it in turns to go into the hall and complete an obstacle course whilst flipping a pretend pancake! Lots of...